Happy 2nd Anniversary FredricLipio.com!
It’s the second year of FredricLipio.com! And as with the previous year, I’ll be sharing with you all some highlights on what has happened to me, to the site, and to the year that has passed. I find that this practice continues to help me become better, accountable to my audience, and pushes me to create better content for my readers.
Here’s my previous year’s Annual Review:
Again, all of this to offer valuable help to people.
As with last year, I’ll be answering three basic questions for my annual review:
- What went well for the past year?
- What didn’t go well for the past year?
- What am I working toward for next year?
1. What Went Well For The Past Year?
Facilitating and Speaking. This year, I had quite a number of speaking and facilitation engagements with various companies and sectors.
From January to November, I’ve had the honor to have designed, led, or have assisted, 22 workshops, with a total of 901 participants.
That’s not a lot of workshops in a year, around 2 per month, but coming from only having 7 last year, this is a good continuation, and I want to sustain my momentum of creating an impact on more people’s lives.
I’ve also learned to be even more comfortable in front of an audience, and to learn to connect with people with different backgrounds.
It’s a constant practice that has helped me immensely.
Over-all Health. Since January, thanks to my friend Jim, I’ve been able to have a gym membership at a really good rate. No excuse then not to be working out.
I’ve been doing exercises to strengthen my lower back, my core, and to have a higher level of fitness. I’m currently lifting weights, and aiming to do more pull-ups than before.
One personal highlight in this area, is finally being able to do pull-ups. For the first time in my life.
I can’t remember when was the last time I had a cold, and I have more energy and confidence in myself.
Best of all: I’ve done away with the mindset that I would never be healthy and strong.
Mindset. This year was a continuation of the upward momentum I had last year, of changing my beliefs and mindsets into those that would empower me and support the dreams and aspirations that I have.
For 2015, I focused on beliefs that limited my freedom, and caged me to the limited views and options I once thought I had.
For 2016 however, I’ve focused on finding out that my beliefs about wealth, money, and abundance have been limited, and I’ve had great success in changing, and finding wins to begin the massive shift that I want to undertake.
I’ve focused on the small things, that compounded, lead to massive shifts in mindset.
Relationships. I got married last April, met more inspiring and empowering people this year, as well as having the opportunity to partner and work with some amazing people.
I realize that this year, I’ve been surrounded with amazing people, and I’ve been given the opportunity to have amazing relationships with them.
“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Says Jim Rohn. I’m grateful to have been, and choose to be, in the company of great and big-hearted people.
2. What Didn’t Go Well For The Past Year?
Products. After the Ebook I wrote late last year, I haven’t been committed to writing any follow-ups, or to creating any products.
I realized that for the past year, I had been afraid to fail, and afraid to commit to another venture that I wasn’t sure of.
I let fear get the better of me.
Time to change this and turn it around.
Self-Promotion. Along with the lack of commitment to creating products, was the doubt and lack of confidence to promote myself, my skills and me talents.
I wasn’t able to put out any ads, or good copy, as well as not updating my website design and visuals.
This severely limited how I get the message across on how I can use those to help and make an impact on the lives of people.
Although I was able to recognize some of my limiting beliefs, and work at turning them around, thanks to my experience in promoting myself, I realized that I also haven’t done any committed action behind this. As a result, my platform is not growing as quickly and solidly as I’d want to be.
Writing. For the past year, I did not miss a schedule. I was still able to put up the two articles per week that I committed.
What didn’t go so well, was scheduling when I was writing, as well as the consistency of my writing. Due to schedule concerns, the alternative I found was to binge-write on a day that I was free, and not write on the days that I would be doing a workshop, or a whole-day seminar.
I realized that I had to find a way to make my writing more consistent, even if I’m not able to finish a post in one sitting.
Consistency is key in writing, and when times got busy, I dropped the ball on this one.
This has lead me to feel dry and uninspired when I don’t write consistently, when I don’t respect the muse, and just create.
3. What Am I Working Toward For Next Year?
Building a business. This is serious now. I’m saying this is the year that I finally make it happen, and with whatever and whoever it is, I will be sure to make a deep positive impact, and help people, and operate at a level that can scale itself as well.
This includes being able to create and offer products, promote myself and the business, and do whatever it takes necessary to succeed and make a positive impact in the lives of people.
Wealth and Abundance. This year revealed to me a lot of my limiting beliefs about wealth, abundance, money, and what living a rich life full of freedom and options would be like.
For this coming year, I’ll be continuing to build upon the initial progress I have, and continue to change and improve the beliefs, mindsets, and supporting experiences that I have to create a mind, body, soul, and spirit, that supports making a deep impact on people’s lives, yet still living with wealth and abundance.
Impact. Now is the time to make efforts to scale, and create scale. To make an impact, means that I have to find a way to help more and more people, or to help people more deeply, or actually, find a way to do both!
Here’s To Next Year!
Thanks for being with my journey for these years that have gone past, and I do hope that we also recognize and be thankful for the growth, blessings, and opportunities that continue to be sent our way.
I haven’t written a whole lot in my annual review this year, and I’m realizing that for the last year, I just had to learn and re-learn some hard lessons, and at the same time, face some of the demons that have been haunting me for the longest time.
But as with any year, this is another period to create powerful change, and to continue on the path of life that you want to go down on.
Also, I credit this annual review, and the practice that I will share in my next articles, that really changed my life, and got my momentum going. I’ll also be offering something cool, helpful, and FREE! Stay tuned!
Is there a topic, or problem, that you want me to write about? Please share in the comments below!
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