Everything seems like a bore.
Everything is moving around me, but I’m still standing still.
Or am I?
Maybe there’s a change I’m not seeing, or giving credit for.
What are 3 ways to know if you’re moving forward in life?
Things become easier
One way to know if you’re moving forward, is when what you’re doing is becoming easier for you.
When problems don’t seem to be problems, and what would make you raging angry before, only minor annoyances now.
I used to be terrified to speak in front of a group. I had to psych myself up, and to mentally rehearse and rehearse again.
Now, I find myself more confident to speak to people, even when I don’t know them.
That’s done without necessarily giving up what’s important, doing less, or getting bored.
Things become easier not because what we face become easier, but because we become better at handling them.
We attain a mastery of the skills we need, and we continue to master different ones.
When things what were hard become easier, or easy, then we’re moving forward.
You can do what you couldn’t do before
When you’ve attained mastery of skills and practices, you can do things that you couldn’t do before.
That’s progress. That’s movement. And it doesn’t have to be huge for it to have a huge impact.
Being more confident in front of a crowd. That’s progress.
Being able to say no, when you could only say yes before. That’s progress.
Having the ability to sense the flow of a conversation, the mood of a room, whereas before all you could tell was what they were saying. That’s huge progress.
When you find yourself being able to do what you couldn’t do before, then that’s silent progress.
When you find yourself, considering what you thought was not possible, or that which you would not consider before, that’s also progress.
It’s not only about expanding your abilities. More importantly, it’s also about expanding your mindset.
You feel happier
Because it’s possible that you’re not earning more, or moving up.
But if you’re feeling happier, more fulfilled, then that means you’re doing things that fill you and fulfill you – increasing your happiness, and moving you forward in life.
Life isn’t especially about what you do. It’s more about why you do.
And the connection between what you do, and why you do it, has a tremendous impact on how you feel.
If there is no clear connection, then the frustration, the resentment, the boredom and the confusion comes in.
To get caught in this trap, is to experience no deep joy, despite doing what could be considered as good.
The stronger the connection, the happier you become, and in turn, the happier you make others.
Life is a journey
Because it’s rarely a single line forward.
It’s a maze, a puzzle, and goes wherever you will it.
There are times we feel no progress because we feel we’re not progressing to the destination we want to be.
Or because we haven’t figured out the destination. Yet.
But if there’s one thing that is true – it’s that you must keep moving forward, to keep on living.
How do you know you’re making progress? Please share in the comments below!
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