There is a magic act of putting thoughts into words on paper, that clear our mind, and allow us to clarify what we’re thinking.
To dispel the fog of the mind. To gain some clarity.
And not just any thoughts, but feelings, reflections, and answers.
Answers to questions we haven’t been asked before, or have been asked a million times.
And a million times the same, yet at the same time, a million times different.
All leading you towards the life that you want to be living.
What’s 7 questions you can journal on for a better life?
What are you grateful for?
This reminds you, and shifts your attention, towards finding the good things that are happening to you, and that can happen to you.
When you are living, thinking, and being, in a mindset and awareness of gratitude, it’s hard to feel angry and negative.
It shifts attention towards the positive, rather than the negative.
Even if times are hard, even if it’s by a little, I always somehow feel relieved, and a little better, when I think about things, and people, that I’m thankful for, in the moments that I have.
Even in the darkest of times, what are you grateful for?
What do I always dream about?
What future do you see yourself living?
What’s an ideal day like? What are you always wishing would happen?
What would you wish you were doing, this very instant?
Dreams have a way of propelling us forward, and the more specific we are about the details of our dreams, the easier it then becomes for us to make them into reality.
Then, there are dreams you have at night. I recommend having a journal and pen close by your bed, so when you wake up after dreaming, try to list down all of the details and feelings that you’re having.
Those are clues to how you are, who you are, and what you want to be doing.
To the ideal self.
What’s one step closer to my dreams?
Dreams are just dreams, until actions have been taken to make them into reality.
And a lot of the time, we are intimidated by our dreams.
How we envision living our lives is so far removed from how we are currently living our lives.
This isn’t motivating. It’s like a wall, a giant hurdle we must cross.
So then, journal about what’s the one smallest step you can take today to get closer to your dreams.
And the results will not come overnight, but given enough steps, you’ll get there.
What do I feel vulnerable about?
This has been particularly effective for me, to put my doubts, insecurities, and what I feel vulnerable about, to rest.
Identifying, and putting things in their places, giving your experiences names, and interpretations, helps to see them for what they really are – feelings borne from our beliefs and interpretations about ourselves, the world, and our experiences.
The act of journalling, putting my thoughts onto paper, already makes me feel less stressed. It doesn’t make me any less vulnerable, but it helps me to accept that this is how I feel right now, and that’s ok.
That I’m ok, despite the doubts, and apprehensions.
I’m Ok.
What do I love about myself, today?
Because there are days that we absolutely, are killing it, and feel good about ourselves, and it helps to identify what we loved about ourselves, and what we did, on those days.
It serves as an anchor for success. A point that we can go back to when we are at our worst, and are unsure about how we can move forward to succeed.
No matter how small, the question teaches your mind to look for what’s good in you, even when you don’t feel it.
For what do I forgive myself?
Because life is too short to be holding grudges.
Especially to one’s self.
But unknowingly, there are chips on our shoulder, grudges and baggages that we have carried on for so long.
Or small things that we can’t let go of in the moment, that which is not important, but yet we fight tooth and nail, hurting others in the process.
I got into a fight with my wife about a broken mop.
Such a simple thing, yet we hurt each other.
But I forgive for for that.
And I forgive myself.
Life is too short.
Forgive, and move on. Your energy is better served moving forward, not clinging on to the past.
What person do I want to become?
Because you don’t just go out, and do many steps, and then achieve your dreams.
In the course of your journey, you become the person that is capable, willing, and deserving, to achieve your dream.
Life is about transformation, and if there isn’t any one goal that encapsulates your reason for living, I’m pretty sure, all those goals intersect in defining the kind of person you want to become to achieve all of them.
And be specific on this. Not just height, weight, but specific abilities and reactions as well.
How would you react when meeting somebody new? How would you want the conversation to end?
When faced with confusion, how would you handle it?
Qualities, attitudes, traits, and beliefs.
What person do you want to become, capable of achieving all that you want, and dream of?
The write stuff.
Because writing things down not only help memory, but visioning and action.
We never really know what we’re thinking, unless we say it, or write it down.
Get clear on your thoughts, your mind, and what’s next.
I’ve found I journal on these questions at least once a month. At times, once a week. Writing them down regularly help keeps me motivated, focused, and engaged with my self, goals, and dreams.
Keep writing.
Keep going.
On and on.
Do you have any questions that serve as journalling prompts for you? Please share in the comments below!
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