Random thoughts, random thoughts, and random thoughts.
Suddenly appearing and drifting from my mind’s eye, from my feelings, and my body.
Motivating me, reminding me, distracting me, inspiring me.
What are they trying to tell me?
Everything, And Nothing.
In my experience, thoughts can be both everything, and nothing.
And maybe both, at the same time.
The mind is a powerful part of us. And what we think, and what we believe in, has a great influence on how we live our lives, and what kind of life we have.
Our thoughts, influence our actions, which influence our lives.
And yet, at the same time, our thoughts can be nothing.
It’s all in your head.
I got angry, again.
I lashed out, hurt people, hurt my loved ones.
And even hurt myself. My feelings, my inner peace, and my sense of safety.
I just reacted, and let the thoughts and long-set beliefs in my head take over and just push me to do something I regret.
It was all in my head. It really was just a small issue, blown up to huge proportions by our reactions.
By my reactions. By my thoughts.
My thoughts, have brought me nothing. Only pain and a moment to regret.
Never gets translated into reality
There are so many things I’ve been thinking about.
An online course. More marketing. A revamp of my site. Reaching out to help people. Writing more to help others. In the process, help myself.
So many ideas.
Yet I still have none of that. All that I said. None. Zero.
Because it was all in my thoughts.
And no solid action, no execution taken, to make them into reality.
It makes me question myself:
“Do I really want this?”
“Am I willing to do what it takes to make it a reality?”
Not enough commitment. Not enough action.
All thinking. All thoughts. All up in my head.
Thoughts that tell you’re being distracted.
As they briefly pass. As you experience them.
Those thoughts, those feelings, are all telling you something.
I remember facilitating a learning session, and having a difficult time.
Too many thoughts, too many things running through my mind, as I was focusing on the material, and going through the session.
I could distinctly point out a moment, when, while talking to the group, I was also thinking to myself.
“This is difficult.”
“This is tiring.”
“I’m having a hard time connecting to them.”
“What time is lunch?”
“Did I forget to lock the door?”
Too distracted. Too unfocused.
The best moments I had, was when I was just focused on the moment.
Thinking about what next to do in the moment. What next to say in the moment.
Or rather, just being in the moment, and not thinking at all.
Not thinking at all. No thoughts. None. Zero.
Then I just am. I just be.
Nothing then becomes everything.
Whispers of the Muse
Seeds of ideas. Possibilities. Creativity. All within moments of thought and ideas.
Usually when we’re relaxed, safe, and free. When we feel confident to just be ourselves, and be in the moment.
Or when we push ourselves to deliver. The brain is like a muscle that needs exercise as well.
That’s why I get a lot of my ideas when I have to deliver on a short deadline, and most often, when I’m in the shower, or lazing on a pool, or right after I wake up.
Inside of us, our inspiration works rampant at creating connections and ideas to help us get through our situations, and what we are facing.
Our inspiration sends us how we can also help ourselves, and inspire and help others as well.
The question really is, are we listening to the whispers of our muse?
Do we give our muse the respect, and take note of the ideas, even follow through on them?
Thoughts are also reminders, and indicators.
Our thoughts tell us as well how we believe, and how we see what’s happening. Even what we believe will happen in the future.
And we may hear them in our thoughts, but we more often hear them in our language.
In our declaring it to the outside world, our thoughts are solidified, and we become accountable to them.
Our thoughts, and our words, hold power.
Most importantly, they hold power over us.
And the more our thoughts and words are in alignment with the message we want to say, the more authentic we become, and the easier it is for us to share our thoughts, feelings.
Our true selves.
It’s not random
Our thoughts aren’t
But we need them all the same. It’s our infinite wellspring of possibility.
And it all begins whether we believe things possible.
So go and keep on digging into your random grab bag of thoughts.
Have you had a random thought that turned out to be genius? Please reply to the comments below!
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