Because the struggle is real.
And life is calling me, out there.
All the while, my life, is still calling me, inside.
What does my blog have to do with that?
Embracing who I am.
I went from somebody who thought he knew how to write, two years ago, to now, being somebody who clearly feels that he doesn’t know how to write anymore.
It’s surprising how, with clear, consistent practice, you can go from being a know-it-all, to a “NO-it-all”.
The more I know, the more I don’t know.
The more I’m being called to completely accept that fact, and still keep going.
But at some point, I was trying to be somebody I was not, on this blog, and through my words.
I wanted to help people. That is true.
But I’m no sage on a stage.
I’m a fellow struggler, just like you.
Sharing my struggles.
And on this blog, I share what I’ve been struggling with, and the lessons I learned, and what I do to cope, overcome, turn things around, and help others do the same.
At the same time, I realize that by sharing what I struggle with, and what I do to cope, overcome, and learn, this blog is not about me.
It’s not just about me.
It’s about you as well.
I learned early on that the human emotion that is most common, felt, and shared by more people on the planet, isn’t love.
It’s pain.
And by writing about what pains me, hopefully I can help other people with what pains them.
But again, it’s not only about me, it’s about you.
Stuck in an echo chamber.
What I’m writing down is a plea.
I’ve been writing about my experiences, but now, I’m not so sure that what I’m writing about is relevant to you guys.
It’s like I’m stuck in a small little room, and whatever I shout out, comes back to me, which I shout out back again.
Over and over. An echo chamber.
With nothing new, always the same thing again, and again.
It made writing stale, it felt like I was banging my head up against the wall, which I’m sure many of you feel the same way.
Or maybe not. That doubt, and uncertainty I’m feeling, revealed to me my moments in being in an echo chamber of my own thoughts, feelings, and focus.
The struggle, is real.
Sharing the struggle, is real, also.
Because I want to help people, but I’m not so sure what people need help on.
Or what people feel I can help them with.
I asked that question on facebook once. I asked people: “What’s a problem that I can help you solve?”
I got some good answers, like, finances, love, and themselves.
I also got amazing answers, and I quote: “World Peace”, “Resisting Oligarchy”, and my favorite one of all:
“My face”.
The struggle is real.
And when I’m tempted to dismiss these answers, I always have to remind myself:
“The struggle is real. Not only for me, but for others.”
Who am I to judge what others find painful? Or what others struggle with?
The struggle IS real. And because the struggle is real, people need to be able to relate with others who are also going through that struggle.
No man is an island.
People who have overcome great struggle and difficulty, do not overcome alone.
People struggle, together.
But my writing, and this blog…
But this blog, and my writing, has been struggling, alone.
I’m sharing what has worked for me, what I am doing to cope with the struggle.
But I’m at a point where I’m not so sure people find it relevant in their lives. That people share in my struggle and find what I’m sharing, valuable.
I’m not so sure.
And in dark moments like this, it’s easy to just give up.
When nobody’s looking, paying any attention, it’s easy to give up.
When you’re not seeing results, it’s easy to give up.
When you’re not held accountable, responsible, it’s easy to give up.
And especially, when you’re stuck, and you don’t know how to move forward.
It’s easy to give up.
Show up, or give up.
If there’s one thing that has kept this blog alive, and kept other dreams alive, even when they’re on life support, is this:
Just show up.
Show up, and do the work, even when you don’t feel like it.
Show up, and do your best, even when nobody’s watching.
Show up, and commit to developing yourself, even when nobody else cares.
Because at the very minimum, you care.
A lot. You care, a hell of a whole lot.
That’s why you’re still here.
That’s why this blog is still here, and I’m still here.
Show up. Every, single, damn, moment, of your life.
Because if you don’t show up in your life, who else is going to do it for you?
Show up, or give up.
And while this blog still lives…
And while, I, still live, I’ll keep on showing up.
This blog, and I, will continue to keep living, growing.
Who knows? Maybe there will come a time when it will make the most sense to me to stop writing, to stop growing, and to stop showing up in my life.
That’s the time when I stop living.
And so for this blog, at least, for this very moment.
Show up.
What do you want me to write about, that would be of great help to you? Please share in the comments below!
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