When I first started this blog, I never really thought of the good I could do, or the impact this would have on me, or on my life.
And although I did have a goal, and a result that I was looking for, I wasn’t really sure how, or when. I just kept on working at it, and going for it.
I would never have known the results of having this site, if I hadn’t done the following:
Put it out there.
I never really knew that I would enjoy having this site, and that people would be reading what I was writing, if I didn’t decide to put this up.
If I didn’t take action to get the domain, put up the site, and commit to publishing articles.
There are times that I reflect – if I hadn’t published this website, or committed to writing and publishing, would I have known that I would enjoy it? And that other people would find it helpful?
No. Probably not.
It’s like pieces of art. People wouldn’t know what you were doing, and how it would affect them, unless you show them, tell them, share it to them.
Unless you put it out there.
It’s not our job to criticize and judge our works of art. It’s our job to create, and to share that with others.
I wouldn’t have really know how exercising would strengthen my body, give me more self-confidence, and basically, change my life, if I hadn’t trusted in the process of exercising.
The first two months, it was like pure suffering. I was basically finding a distraction from the inner turmoil that I had, as well as the low self-confidence I was experiencing during that time in my life.
I had no results to show for it, only pained arms and legs, and a still-weak lower back.
But I trusted in the process, that it would yield results.
I also trusted in myself to keep on making that investment in myself, and to keep on going, even though I wasn’t seeing instant results.
Fast forward 9 months later, and now I’m beginning to see results.
But I wouldn’t have known that the journey would yield me more strength, and self-confidence, had I not trusted in the process, and not broken through fear, boredom, and just kept up the practice.
Same with my writing.
Trust in the process, trust in your gut, and in your intuition of what’s pulling you closer to what matters most to you, your passions and your dreams.
Do it anyway
There are many obstacles to us doing what we want to do.
There’s fear of the unknown, or fear from past experiences, and pain.
There’s lack of experience, and how we let our lack of experience become an obstacle. But there’s no other way to gain experience, but to actually do it.
There’s lack of trust and self-confidence in ourselves. A belief, a feeling that we’re not good enough, and as a consequence, what we put out might not be good enough.
All of that may be true, and they are real feelings that we have, and must accept, come to terms with.
And with all of that inside of us, still must we do it anyway.
Action is the fastest remedy to fear. Once you’re in the arena, there is no longer room for any fear. It’s either perform, put out, or check out.
You’ll never really know until you try
It’s not our role to judge. It’s our role to create.
To create, and to share. It’s far too easy to destroy, to take things down.
That’s our role here, to build, better, and create.
And to share that with others, in the hopes of helping, bettering, inspiring, and showing other people that it can be done.
Showing other people the possibility that lies within them, and to inspire them to give themselves permission.
You’ll never really know until you try.
What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try? Please share in the comments below!
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