People want a lot of things. I feel that’s not true.
If you boil down all the individual things, relationships, feelings that people want it can be summed up in 4 things.
4 “F”s, if you will.
4 categories that push us to go after what we want, and that makes us do what it is that we do.
Whether it’s hurting or helping us.
What do people really want?
“For Me”
One thing that motivates people, is their own self-interest. If something will give them a benefit, a reward, a feeling that they are looking for, it will then get them going, until they get it.
And get it again, and again, and again.
One of the very first sales lessons being taught to me, was to answer this question, this category, as attractively and as succinctly as I can.
Be straight to the point, use language that they would use, and answer the question: “What’s in it for me?”
Because if there is no clear benefit to me, and how it will make me feel what I want to feel, or get what I want to get, then there’s no point discussing it.
“What’s in it for me?”
This doesn’t mean that people want to have focus. A lot feel like they don’t need it, or that they are better at multitasking (fact: nope).
People want to have something to focus on.
It can be a goal.
It can be a reward.
It can be a feeling.
Something to help them pull themselves together, and get moving towards that end destination.
A focus will also help get rid of the distractions, and keep on building and doing good habits as well.
It’s the distractions that’s wrecking us apart. People can’t focus, because they’re entertaining all the distractions.
Imagine a life where you’ve decided on what to focus on, and what you’ll be doing. If all you focused on, with full effort, was that, how long would it take you to succeed?
My guess? Not a long time. For sure, you’ll be inspiring people along the way, as well.
People also want freedom. They want to do the things they want to do.
But there are many things people say are holding them back.
I can’t get out of my job.
I’m not that kind of person. I’ll never be fit and healthy like them.
I can’t learn new tricks, I’m too old.
Money is hard to earn. I’ll never be rich.
And the list goes on and on. And all those beliefs, are what takes away the freedom in the first place.
And so, people either keep on complaining, or they break away from all the excuses, and find ways to be free.
Sooner or later, people find ways to be free. Small steps at first, then bigger and bigger steps.
At the end of the day, people want something that fulfills them. That gives what they do meaning.
That gives their lives, meaning.
Because even though people have a clear “for me”, focus, and have freedom in their lives, all of that is for naught, if they feel they’re not doing anything of value, or anything important.
This is especially heightened, when people have an experience of death.
It could be of other people close to them, or it could be a close call of their own.
In the face of death, all decisions become clearer.
What would people want to be remembered for?
What do they want their children, and grandchildren to say about them?
What kind of positive impact do they want to leave in this world?
That’s fulfillment.
The 4 F’s people really want.
“For me”, Focus, Freedom, and Fulfillment.
All the things people really want fall under those four things.
And it can be a journey for people. The beginning is just looking for what’s in it for them, then deciding on a focus, finding more and more ways to have freedom in their life, and then, finding fulfillment in what they do.
Fulfillment, that goes beyond themselves.
Slowly, people want to make an impact on others. There is a natural movement, a changing of orientation, from purely one’s self, to other people, as we mature.
From me, to you, to we.
Speak to people, and to what they want.
Be honest with yourself, and with what you want.
What do you really want?
What do you think people really want? Please share in the comments below!
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