Do you know when you're in a rut? And when we do know, it's usually too late. We're already deep in it, and have already compromised a lot of time, energy, and emotions, wasting and …
One Simple Trick To Getting Things Done
This little thing I do, I've found, gets me doing and accomplishing more things, than before I started doing it. And it's so simple, I wonder why I haven't thought about it. But it sets you up …
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What Happens When You Do Things You Don’t Want
Because there are things, no matter what I tell myself, and how important it is for the people that I hold dear, I don't want to do. It's deeper. Deeper than that. It's not a …
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What Is Front-Sight Focus? (And How This Will Help You)
Because not all the ways we can focus, is created equal. There are things that are better to focus on, more than others. Not only that, but the kind of focus you give what you focus on, matters …
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3 Things We Make For Ourselves
Are you aware of the power that you have over yourself? We ultimately are all the product of our own decisions, whether we are aware of them, or not. But too many people are still …
Motherhood Statements That Are Hard To Do (But Work Wonders!)
I just got schooled by the world. Met with a person I believed to be an idiot. Turned out, they were one of the smartest people in my circles, held in high regard by other people I know and …
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