To see part 1, click here. I recommend you read that first. The start is always self-awareness. If you can develop the self-awareness to catch yourself when fear threatens to overcome you, …
How To Break Through Fear, Part 1
Fear will always be there, always present. It's about how we can manage it, get comfortable with it, and break through it. How do I get from point A to point B? Where point A is being stopped …
What To Do When Life Feels Like A Gamble
There are times when life, flat out, feels like a gamble. That feeling of you don't know what you're doing, and you're just going with the flow, hoping to make it big. Or you're so sure you're …
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What Do People Really Want?
People want a lot of things. I feel that's not true. If you boil down all the individual things, relationships, feelings that people want it can be summed up in 4 things. 4 "F"s, if you …
Lessons I Learned From A Millionaire
Last weekend, me and my brother went through all of the stuff my grandfather, Louie, left behind. It was amazing. He was amazing. We went through 70 years of clothes and belongings, not to mention …
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What I Learned From Tracking My Finances For Five Years
For five years, I tracked my finances. You really never know when things might come in handy. I have my business degree to thank for this. I used two things - my phone, to record what I was …
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