I’ve never been good at estimating long-term commitments, and research says, that we humans tend to suck at it.
My wife is looking to buy a condo. By that, I meant we are looking.
Our godmother and good friend has a mixed insurance and investment policy for a good price but will take 28 years to pay off. It’s minimal, but will I be able to do it?
There’s never a sure thing.
How then, do you deal with the uncertainty known as life?
Know your why
Because a life is given direction, and I get to choose mine.
And so do you.
The moment I took steps to detect, and to get closer to finding out what my life’s purpose was, More opportunities suddenly flowed my way.
I also became more confident, persistent, and hardworking.
Because, suddenly, purpose wasn’t just to wake up and do anything.
Suddenly, amidst the confusion, all the choices, and the uncertainty of life, there was clarity of purpose.
There was a fire that I began taking care of, inside of me, that lit the way and kept me going even when the next step looked unsure and foggy.
I have said that the purpose of my life is to create a deep, positive impact on the lives of people. And even though I want to add and refine my statement, that core truth remains the same.
And because of that truth, that answer to the question, “why?”, I am able to make better decisions, and keep going on in the face of all the Yes and No that I’ll get in this life.
Having a certainty of purpose and impact, helped me to keep going, even when the going gets tough.
Knowing my why helped me navigate through unclear directions and decision points, and kept my focus on the objective and end result wanted, and not to get stuck in the minute details, that might not actually matter.
Get clear on your why.
Accept the reality in front of you
One struggle that I’ve always had, is that I always wanted to have 100% certainty before making any move.
And that I wanted to eliminate the risk in whatever that I would do.
That perfection was always the goal, and that having a perfect process would inevitably lead to a perfect result.
That it’s difficult to project with certainty years into the future, and more difficult, to imagine ourselves in that future.
One way to deal with the uncertainty, is to accept it, and embrace the reality that we are living in now.
When I try to fight what is real, and what the facts are surrounding my life, that makes way for denial, anger, confusion, and resentment.
Accept, and make space for clarity, positivity, acceptance, and the step forward.
I’m struggling with the fact that there are some things that me and my wife want to buy, that we won’t be able to pay completely within two years.
And I’m struggling with the fact and possibility that I might not be able to pay for it. That something might happen, and render my income unable to provide for the commitment.
Then again, there is always a possibility for that circumstance, or against it.
Accept that there will never be 100% certainty, and that there is always an amount of risk involved. Get comfortable with a level of risk that you deem acceptable to move forward.
Accept the fact that there will never be zero risk.
Accept the fact that the only way forward into the future, is one day, and one step, at a time.
Accept the reality of your life, then move forward from it.
Have faith
If you could make what you want happen in the future, wouldn’t you do whatever it took to make it happen, today?
If we always had full confidence, that’s what life would be like. People going full blast in their passion and dreams.
Instead, I cower in fear, always looking for the sure shot, never risking.
Because I don’t have faith that the world will lean in my favor.
Because I don’t have faith that I will have support and help along the way.
Because I don’t have confidence in my ability, capacity, and my self, to make it happen.
Recognize how you were able to get success in the past, and what did you do to make that happen?
When were the times when you felt the most confident? What got you to that point?
What are the things that you are sure about now? What do you need to do?
A lot of questions.
Have faith that you will discover, and accept, what the right answers are.
Anything could happen that could take everything away. There is always a chance.
But, anything can happen, with your effort and persistence, to reach success. With your actions, and faith, there is always a chance.
If there was a 100% chance that you would succeed, what would you be doing?
That’s faith. The full-on confidence to turn dreams into reality.
Uncertainty is a part of life
We’re not all savants, and mind readers. In our lives, uncertainty is a fact.
But, we needn’t be enslaved by it, or cower from it.
Accept the uncertainty, and move on. Make it your ally, even.
Know the reason, your why, because that will bring you far, and provide direction.
Accept the reality and the facts, to be able to move forward.
Have faith in the world, in the situation, in others, and most especially, in yourself.
How do you deal with uncertainty in your life? Please share in the comments below!
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