There may come a point, when you’ve felt you’ve done all that’s important for you now, but it’s boring.
It’s not exciting, motivating, and there’s nothing new.
And it’s not as easy as doing something new.
I don’t want to live life like that.
What do you do when everything seems boring?
Do something you’re afraid of
Feelings are powerful motivators. They can get us to do things we never could imagine we could do.
The opposite is also true of feelings: they can be the strongest obstacle to getting what’s important, done.
Fear kicks our fight or flight senses into high gear, and gets blood running, making our body ready for action.
Fear pushes boredom out of the way. I’ve never met anyone who was both afraid, and bored, at the same time.
If you’re feeling fear, you become more aware of your surroundings, your thoughts, feelings, possibilities, and what you need to do to overcome it. There is no space for boredom, because what our body is telling us is this:
“Overcome, or die!”
In the most primal, raw, sense, possible.
Face your fear, and find ways to overcome them. Do something that scares you every day. If you’re still scared of something after you do it, do it again the next day!
Comfort comes from repetition, and finding a way.
Acceptance of the fear, also leads to comfort.
Yes, stop doing whatever it is you’re doing, for a short time.
Stop, and do something else that will fulfill the original objective of what you’re bored at.
Our minds and bodies need a break, and if we always have the same routines, and the same patterns over and over again, that’s sure to take a toll on our bodies.
Even exercise! I once found myself bored with my exercise routine, when two months ago, I was so pumped.
What happened? I stopped doing my exercises for two weeks, but still found different activities and exercises to do.
And it can be the little things as well. I remember being bored giving out the same workshop over and over again.
So I stopped doing some of the activities, stopped showing the old slides, and did new activities, and showed new ones!
Stop here means, stop certain activities for a time, and do something else. Not, stop, and stay still.
It’s changing things up. It’s trying new stuff, yet still moving forward on the original goal.
There are times when we actually don’t feel bored. The symptoms are that of boredom, but it’s a sign of deeper, and more sinister things.
It can actually be burnout.
Rest can be a good remedy for burnout. Take a break from the routine, and just stop for a while and do hobbies and activities that you enjoy, and that recharge you.
Activities that are different than what you normally do.
Take a vacation, and relax. Take your mind off your problem and situation for a few days.
Then, when you get back, recharged, you can focus more, pour more energy and of yourself, and just plain hit it out of the park!
It’s not a badge of honor to just keep going and going, without resting.
You are your greatest asset.
Take care of yourself.
Just keep on going
Keep doing different things, trying different things, and learning different things, and I assure you, you won’t be bored.
Also, if there’s something I know that eliminates boredom, it’s to see the progress and the success that you want.
There’s nothing more motivating than seeing rewards and results for all the hard work and routine that you’ve been putting in.
Remember, it’s not bad to be bored. But if you’re always bored, then that might be a problem.
Just keep on going. The boredom is there both to be a test, and a chance to better yourself.
Just keep on going.
What do you do to keep you focused when you’re bored? Please share in the comments below!
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