As a kid, I was taught that the body, the mind, and the heart, are separate from each other. You can think of one thing, feel another, and then, find yourself doing what’s completely different.
But as I grew older, I realized that they’re all different facets, sides, parts, of one whole – me. And if the three are not in agreement, alignment, with each other, then bad things tend to happen.
It was a particularly rough week, with me having to think over and solve several problems, which challenged what I wanted to have, and how I found acceptable to have it.
And this became obvious to me, as a barbell my body weight almost came crashing down on my face.
What happens when your body, heart, and mind, are not in alignment?
I was at the gym, and I was going to do another set of 160 pounds. Right before I was about to start, I got a call from a company I consult for, asking me to attend a meeting the next week.
I kind of hemmed and hawed, and thought that it would be an opportunity to at least show support.
But I wasn’t really required to attend, I would be observing.
I didn’t want to go.
But I did what millions of people around the world do to sabotage themselves.
I said yes.
Then proceeded to my exercise, and was then quickly being helped from under the bar by the nearest trainer, and a kind soul.
My muscles, and my pride, hurt.
And I realized, that because I felt deep down inside, that I didn’t want to go, but my intellect was telling me that it would be a good opportunity, rationally, I wasn’t in alignment, and I was not able to express what I really felt.
So then the bar came down.
When your body, heart, and mind are not in alignment, when they’re not in agreement about what they want, about what you want, they all become weaker.
As compared to the moments when every fiber of your being is focused and headed towards what you want, and what’s important to you, with no guilt, no confusion.
All power, faith, and confidence.
But not when you’re not in alignment, then you become weaker. In all three – body, heart, and mind.
When your body, heart, and mind, are not in alignment, it then becomes easier for doubt to creep in.
Most especially, doubt about your abilities, competency, self-worth, and place.
When this happens, the doubt also leads to indecision, putting you into a vicious cycle of being unable to act because of doubt, and the doubt feeding into your fears and insecurities, stopping you from acting.
Because the three are not in alignment, doubt creeps in because you’re not sure which one to trust.
There are many sayings about which one should be more trusted among the three. That we are rational beings and our intellect would come up with the perfect answer. Or that we are social, emotional creatures, and what we feel would be best for us is indeed the right one.
Or my personal favorite among them all – is to trust your gut, and to put belief in the body.
They’re all wrong.
If you’re not in alignment, doubt begins to creep in.
You have to look for the magic sweet spot when you are in complete, or close to complete, alignment.
Then, the doubt dissipates, because every fibre of your being, believes.
Sending you signals
When your body, mind, and heart, are not in alignment, you start to feel different sensations, feelings, if you’re sensitive enough to them.
In essence, it’s those three sending you signals about what you feel, what you really hold and believe to be true to you.
In fact, there is a whole field called muscle testing, which is based on these beliefs, that if the three are not in alignment, your body becomes weaker, and it becomes possible to test for beliefs and truths, about what you really want and believe.
From something as simple as what your name is, to complex and deep beliefs about whether you feel inadequate, hopeless, worthless, strong, competent, or beautiful.
Because when you speak a description about you, but you don’t feel it’s right, you don’t believe it’s right, or if you know that’s not right, your muscles, your body, becomes weaker, and that’s sending you the signal that what you’re saying is not true.
When the three are not in alignment, there is discomfort, inconvenience, a feeling of uncertainty, or doubt. There may also be pain for some. The signs may range from very slight, almost unnoticeable, to full-blown sickness, injury, maybe even paralysis or near-death.
Learn to be sensitive to the signals your body, heart, or mind is telling you. Learn to recognize the signals of misalignment of the three, and of how to coax, to course the three into some form of agreement.
It’s like the story of the three arrows. Each arrow alone can be broken, but the three arrows, together, become that much tougher to break.
Same with our body, mind, and heart.
Lack of clarity.
The main end result of the three not being in alignment, is that situations and decisions may become confusing, because things are not clear to you.
It is not clear which one to trust first, or most.
Which is a trick question. You should be trusting all of them, but we usually prefer one over the others.
So then, we get a nagging feeling from our body, even though our head makes perfect sense of it all.
That feels uncertain, unsure. Unclear.
When we don’t reconcile the three, when there is misalignment, this results in a lack of clarity, because we don’t know which one to trust, which one to follow through on.
Or we follow through, trusting on one of our senses, yet still moving with a nagging feeling from the other senses. This results in a weakness.
Weakness in conviction, confidence, faith, and trust. In one’s self.
The more sensitive, accepting, and communicative you are of what the three are feeling, and where you are in the moment, the easier it becomes to align the three, and to gain clarity.
Hold conversations
Hold conversations with yourself. Get the body, mind, and heart listening, and talking to each other.
Most of all, get yourself listening and talking to these three, and allow them to communicate with each other.
This is what it truly means to listen to yourself. It’s not just your mind, but your body, and heart, as well.
Communicate clearly.
And then, feel and watch the three unite, together.
You will become unstoppable.
Have you ever felt your body, heart, and mind, not aligned? Please share in the comments and let me know!
I can feel the truth and relevance as I read, almost making me sad. Yet, it is the knowing of where I’m at in life that makes me a tad sad