Because not all the ways we can focus, is created equal.
There are things that are better to focus on, more than others.
Not only that, but the kind of focus you give what you focus on, matters as well.
What is front-sight focus? And how can it help you?
Front-Sight Focus?
I encountered this concept, having spoken to several people who do shooting (with guns!) as their hobby.
I asked them the question, “How do you aim and hit your target?”
Because the answer, apparently, isn’t as simple as point the gun in the general direction of your target, and then press the trigger.
There’s a better way.
When you line up a gun with your target, you’re actually aligning several elements – your sight, the rear sight of the gun, the front sight of the gun, and then the target itself.
What makes this difficult, is the fact that we can only focus on one thing at a time. The differing depths of the various elements make it so that we can’t focus on everything at a time, and we can only focus on one thing.
So if there’s one thing that has to be clear for you to hit the target, it’s where the bullet leaves the gun, and where the bullet is going to go, that you have to focus on.
Have everything that’s important in alignment, but with front-sight focus, it makes it easier to hit the target, where you want to hit it, in the way that you want to hit it.
How does this apply to me?
What are you focused on? Are you focused on your goal, and yet, what are you doing?
If you focus too far ahead in the future, the possibility is that you’re not focusing enough on the high-value activities that you should be doing in the now to make that future a reality.
If you’re focusing too near to the present, then you lack the foresight and planning to plan ahead, and create a solid plan with follow-through to not only make the future you want a reality, to make sure that the efforts you’re doing count towards the target in a manner that builds upon each other.
being front-sight focused would mean still having an awareness on the goal, as well as an awareness of the present state, but an intense focus on the tasks needed to move forward from the now, into the future.
Task, after, task, after task. Shot, after every shot.
Like keeping the front-sight clear to assure the best chances of the bullet going where you want to go, keeping yourself front-sight focused also means making sure you’re doing the highest-impact activities, and not just keeping yourself busy, for being busy’s sake.
You only have so much resources, time, bullets, actions in your lifetime. Make as many as possible of what you’ve got, count.
We think we’re focused
But we may be focusing on the wrong things.
Or we think that the actions we’re doing, would somehow lead to the results that we want.
Where are you focused? And does what you do, matter?
Are you firing your bullets where you want them to go, keeping clear the one thing that determines their direction and path?
What are you focused on? Please share in the comments, and let us know!
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