I didn’t want to go to the concert.
My wife wanted to go. I said to her to let me just give her the money, and let me have my time.
I really didn’t want to go, and thought that I could find other ways to support the fundraising concert, and still have my time.
But in the interest of supporting my wife, and her request to have more quality time with her, I ended up going with her to the concert.
Even when I didn’t want to.
But now, at the end of the day, I’m all smiles.
Good thing I ended up changing my mind.
It’s how we see things.
When the day started out, I really believed that I could have a better use of my time, and that I should have been somewhere else.
I also had a meeting before the concert, and so I wanted to be able to participate fully in the meeting, and at the same time, not have to rush from one place to another.
I really saw it as an inconvenience.
Then, things happened that turned that notion completely on its head.
I met my partner during my volunteer year, unexpectedly, in a place far from them, but near from me. They were also going to the concert.
At the concert, friends through the years were also present, giving us a chance to catch up, share stories, and be in the company of each other again, after so long.
To top off the night, one of my childhood idols took the stage as a surprise guest, and sang one of my favorite songs.
Things happen, things change, but you can still decide to stay the same.
Even after all of the coincidences that happened that afternoon, I still could have chosen to stick to my guns, and to deem the concert as a waste of my time.
Then again, there really are no coincidences, only grace and purpose.
And with that view in mind, I no longer saw it as a waste of time, but as a reminder to just be in the moment.
I could have stayed indifferent, stayed with my opinion of the event, or I could have changed my mind, and how I viewed my being there.
You may not always have control over what happens to you, but you always have control in how you react, how you take things, and how you see things, and what they mean for you.
Humility, not pride.
I realize that I had to be humble enough to face myself, and tell myself that I could be wrong, and that I was wrong, in my assessment of the event, and to change my evaluation of the concert.
You’ll never really know, unless you put yourself out there, and experience things.
But you’ll never really know, if even after the experience, your pride still reigns and stays firm, not allowing you to change.
Change your views, beliefs, your mind, how you see things, and what they mean for you.
I can be stubborn in my ways, and in my views, in what I believe in, even when it no longer gets me the results that I want, and damages my relationships.
That’s pride. That’s stubbornness.
I saw that when I am humble enough to allow myself the luxury of changing my mind, my beliefs, of how I reacted, and saw situations that I was in, I was able to get better results.
I was able to have a good time, actually living my life, and instead of having to defend it.
The luxury of changing one’s mind.
This allowed me flexibility, and a strength that I never knew I had.
I was able to confront myself, and yet still accept myself.
Being able to change one’s mind, even after sticking to your guns for so long, is indeed a luxury. It allows you to have a better, richer, wealthier life.
It allowed me to get better and better results, as well as continue to have a better life, and to actually live it.
A lot of people would rather be right, than to be rich.
And in a world where people are often told to stand firm, to fight for their beliefs, and to blindly follow what the experts and gurus says, people need to be reminded of the power that they have within themselves.
I went to a concert, I didn’t want to, but then, I changed my mind.
In the process, allowing what happened, to change me as well.
Nobody told me I had to do it. Nobody forced me.
It’s a choice totally up to me.
To you.
Allow yourself to change your mind.
Allow yourself the luxury of doing so.
And watch yourself lead a richer life.
Was there a time when you allowed yourself to change your mind about something? Please share in the comments below!
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