Maybe there were times in your life when you felt you just had to start over again, to reset.
I remember those being tough times in my life, especially when I had a lot going on, both inside and outside of me.
I failed in the two businesses I started. I had to reset and start again from that.
Then, I was already doing good and earning a living from my job, but I felt so resentful, drained, and unfulfilled. Despite the benefits and security, I “pressed the reset button” so to speak.
I have my friend, ST, to thank for this lesson. Recently, he just pressed his life’s reset button. Again.
He Shifted His Mindset
ST, at one point, you could say, had it all. He held a high position in a good company, had a nice car, great staff, lots of friends, and friends in high places. There wasn’t anything he couldn’t get, and nothing he couldn’t do.
Then it all came crashing down.
He began to reset his life when he realized that there were certain beliefs holding him back, and that the frustrations and grudges he held towards others, and himself, only served to hold him back from getting to where he once was.
Through reflection, action, and active effort and learning on his part, he was able to find out what worked and what didn’t work.
He had to work through feelings of failure and frustration, to rebuild his confidence and faith.
He had to accept the reality of what happened, as well as the possibility of what can become.
Of what he can become.
He Built Habits
And even had to unlearn some of his old ones.
He was known for drinking – a lot, which contributed to him getting sick, and a doctor telling him that his condition was so bad he only had several months left to live.
And he recognized that those beliefs, those mindsets and habits, wouldn’t work.
ST was already a generous friend, but he became more open, honest, giving, and sharing, of his time and his wisdom, to people who needed it the most. Even though he was still hurting, and in the process of recovery himself.
The greatest healers, are most often the most wounded, themselves.
He focused on specific actions which would reap benefits and results. He also started writing, as well as continuing to mine his experiences for lessons and effective, or ineffective, practices.
He focused on himself, his mindset, and his habits, which in turn made him stronger, and slowly transformed him, and his world around him.
He Took Meaningful Action
He took steps to recover, and he kept working at it.
He kept on helping other people, as a coach, a counselor, and as a business partner. He took care and prioritized his family, his support system, and his friends.
He didn’t sit still, he went back to a hobby he loved dearly, and made a living out of it. He was having loads of fun, and at the same time, able to provide for his family as well. He took an active role in the hobby’s community, which led to him being a dealer, tournament organizer, and community champion.
He did all of that, learned a lot in the process, and kept on changing, and improving in the process.
Don’t be afraid to reset your life.
A few weeks back, he took a flight back to his hometown, in what was one of the biggest moves he did, and is turning out be a major “reset” action and period in his life.
He just got back, and I can’t wait to talk to him. Seems like a lot has changed.
To reset your life, it doesn’t have to be sudden. Or drastic, or even traumatic. But it does have to be fulfilling, freeing, and life-changing.
You have to go for changes that mean something, that mean the most to you.
You have to go through the fear, to not be afraid anymore.
Despite the Fear.
Despite the fear, be really honest with you, with what you currently believe in, what are your habits, and what results are you getting.
Despite the fear, look yourself in the mirror and take the truth, the whole truth.
Despite the fear, take small steps, and to have a support system to help and guide you. there’s no shame in that.
And there’s no shame in failing as well. Get back up, try again. Reset.
Despite the fear, start from scratch, start from the beginning, and to work your way back up.
Despite the fear, leave parts of your beliefs, habits, actions, and life behind. You’ll be happy you did.
Don’t be afraid to reset your life.
Did you ever have an experience where you felt you “reset” your life? Please share in the comments below!
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