I wanted to make a change in my life.
And I wanted to make it happen, soon.
I switched jobs. I switched industries.
I wanted to make a change as soon as possible. And change, I did get.
But, not the kind I wanted. Not what I was prepared for, and not one I was willing to be in.
And, I never really got any meaningful change in my life.
How did I get change to happen in my life?
How to get the change that you want, happen.
I finally got positive change to happen to me, change that I wanted, and that moved my life forward, when I actually planned for it.
When I thought about it, got clear on it, and committed to making it happen.
But there was a time I though that true change happens in an instant?
Let me explain.
I was desperate for a change. It was around two years after I had closed down my businesses, and I had enough of wallowing in my misery, and not having progress in my life.
I wanted a change.
So then I took the first job offer that was given me, without a lot of thought and discernment.
Even though, my gut was telling me signals about it. But I couldn’t listen clearly to myself, overwhelmed by all the emotion, desperation, and the deep need to belong.
To a familiar feeling of comfort.
Which, at the end of my experience, I didn’t get. I just threw myself out there, hoping for change to happen, but it didn’t.
It actually brought me back to where I was, before.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Change happens quickly, change happens slowly.
The moment I wanted out of my situation in life, I was a changed man.
Having my views changed, experiencing the pain, and declaring to myself that I didn’t want to ever be in the same position again, pushed me to do so much.
Having realized and experienced what I did, changed me. Instantly.
After that moment, the decisions I made changed, how I made them changed. What I deemed to be important changed, and how I saw the things I was doing, and the feelings I was experiencing, changed.
Change happens quickly. In that split-second moment, I was already a changed man.
Inside, I had changed. But, everything else, had not.
Change is instant, progress is not.
My thoughts and feelings, beliefs had changed, but the things that mattered in my life, in that moment, had not.
I was filled with a new sense of motivation of purpose. A new mindset and belief.
These changes, had not yet affected the outside results that I wanted to have – better relationships, a healthier body, a fatter bank account, and a meaningful job.
For that to happen, I had to come up with a plan to get what I wanted, and work towards making that change real.
I had to get clear on the progress that I wanted, and take steps to making those changes happen in my life.
Change is instant. If something changes, renews, or dies inside of you, then you’re already a changed person.
But the progress you want, the meaningful, positive change, that would uplift and change your situation for the better, doesn’t happen instantly.
You have to put together a plan to get there, and take the steps to reach it.
You plan the changes you want to have.
Even if it’s for next week, next month, or next year. You plan the changes that you want to have, and what are the steps you need to take to get there.
I distinctly recall the moment I first did my annual planning process, and I only planned for what I wanted to get until the end of January.
But even that short period, gave me unbelievable results. I was able to further set myself up for bigger and bigger progress later in the year.
All because I was able to plan out what I wanted to achieve.
Change happens both quickly and slowly. But change doesn’t happen out of nowhere.
You make the change you want.
And there is no sooner time to start planning, and making, the change, but now.
Want a better 2017, along with the steps to achieving your goals and dreams? Sign-up for my FREE course – The 4 Keys to Having a Breakthrough Year!
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