I'm so afraid of rejection, but I just realized it could be a good thing. I'd go so far to call it the number one thing that's holding me back, and at the same time, the fastest way for me to reach …
How We Hurt The Ones We Love (Without Us Meaning To)
Because there's connection, and relationship. There's vulnerability. Without us meaning to, we do things that hurt other people. Especially the ones we love. What are the some of the …
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How To Move Forward With Ingenuity And Love
I was asked to give a talk to a class about my personal leadership journey, and how I did it with ingenuity and love. It wasn't easy, and there were times when I wasn't thinking at all whether that …
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Why Is It So Hard To Find Love?
And I don't even know where to start. For me, and for a lot of us, it was through trial and error. All trial, and a lot of errors. There were times in my life that all I did was searching to …
You’ve Got To Have Faith
Can you think of a time when you felt you had all the confidence in the world? How about a time when you through that nothing would go wrong? That you've got someone who has your back no matter …